Something’s Come Up

These three words had beauty regime written all over them, but I couldn’t make it normal.

  • Nail
  • Tweezers
  • Shower

Tanya’s daily beauty regiment was strict. Every morning and evening it consisted of a shower, filing her long nails, and plucking unsightly hairs with tweezers. Tonight, however, proved to be increasingly problematic as she had a date and her evening plucking was taking, what felt like, forever. She scowled at herself in the mirror and then let out a groan as she noticed her fangs, which weren’t there a moment ago. Tanya, in a panic, unlatched the window in her green and white bathroom and peered up into the clear star speckled night sky. “Damn,” she said as she stamped her foot when she saw the full moon rising in front of her. With frustration, she walked over to the phone and dialed her date, “Hey Lucus,” she said when he picked up, “we need to reschedule. Something’s come up.”

Writing Exercises: His Senses Were Heightened

I wrote the below response to our latest writing exercise. We had five minutes to write a story using the below three words.

  • Crescent
  • Buckle
  • Pant

“Jake’s muscles strained and pulled causing the shackles around his arms to buckle and then finally to give way. He immediately took off into a run, finding his way out of the stone cellar and into the woods -the trees towering overhead. His senses were heightened, but something was wrong. It wasn’t supposed to happen yet. It wasn’t the right time. Jake looked up into the night sky and saw the crescent moon staring back at him. It pulled at him causing his bones to break and reshape. All he could do was run and hope that he could make it to the sanctuary in time. Jake came to a sudden stop panting from the pain and exertion as he came to the edge of a cliff. All was lost, at least for tonight. He never should’ve trusted her.”

You can read the other great responses here!